T-Shirt effects
Michelle Lowman
19 Jan 2003 08:19:13 -0700
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On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 21:48, Alan Dayley wrote:
> I had to make a run with my wife to several stores today. I changed=20
> from my dirty yard clothes and dropped on my PLUG shirt. Wow.
> I had several questions and comments as we went from store to store.=20
> Including one cashier that made the line wait while I wrote out the web=20
> site and chat server addresses on a piece of blank register paper that=20
> he spit out just for the purpose!
> With Linux's and Free Software's increased profile, more people want to=20
> know about it and the shirt just brings them out!
> Alan
I've had the same experience with the shirt, and I've directed several
people toward the PLUG site and mailing list, including one of my
husband's DeVry classmates and a guy I saw at Borders looking at Running
Linux. (If you've subscribed, hello!)
Kids, study your math. Key to the universe.
--Christopher Walken (as Gabriel in The Prophecy)
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