Fwd: tutorial on sodipodi
Carl Parrish
10 Jan 2003 11:40:54 -0700
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 23:31, Ted Gould wrote:
> This was posted to the Sodipodi list, it is a small tutorial on
> Sodipodi. I know that I've talked to some people at PLUG about
> Sodipodi, I thought it might be interesting to a wider audience.
> Sodipodi is a vector graphics editor (similar to Corel Draw, Adobe
> Illustrator, or Kontour) that operates on SVG (scalar vector graphics, a
> W3C XML standard) files.
> Have fun,
> Ted
Way kewl,
I know there is a mozilla project to be a SVG editor but they aren't
very far along yet. I was just thinking "I wish there was a SVG editor I
could use". going to have to post this on my site. <g>
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Carl Parrish (cparrish@carlparrish.com)
Registered Linux User #295761 http://counter.li.org