Needs some advice
Aaron Cordova
Tue, 07 Jan 2003 04:13:09 +0000
You have a very good idea. The only problem I see with it is that to make
Linux perform well in the gaming sector you need to have very good hardware
and plenty of memory.
>Subject: Needs some advice
>Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 17:50:04 -0500
>I'm thinking about starting a project but before I get to deeply involved
>in it I figured I would throw it out here and see if anyone can tell me why
>it couldn't wouldn't or shouldn't work. What I would like to do is start a
>distro thats only purpose in life is to play games and at this point only
>games. I would then like to collect donated "obsolete" hardware from
>various sources. Put the Linux Distro on the hardware and donate the
>computers to longterm care children in the hospital.
>I'm sure there are many problems I'm am missing which is why I am posting
>here.If you guys feel this is to far off topic I will gladly accept any
>email you want to send me at my home address.
>Frank Burton
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