Need (want) a second Physical Disk Drive (

George Gambill
Mon, 6 Jan 2003 17:08:04 -0700

1.) How do I partition a Brand New (Raw) disk. I have used fdisk on windows
machines but not Linux.

Lets say it is a 30 Gig drive and I want to partition it into:

    1ea 25 gig ext3 partition for directory "/Clients"
    1ea 5 gig ext3 (approx) partition for "/XYZ" (To Be Determined).

What are the command line commands or would this be easier from the GUI.  I
prefer learning the command line stuff.

Looking at the output from the "df" command, I find:

Filesystem                       Mounted on
/dev/hda5                          /
/dev/hda1                          /boot
/dev/hda3                          /home
none                               /dev/shm
/dev/hda2                          /usr
/dev/hda7                          /var

Question, what happened to /dev/hda4
Question, what is          none         ... /dev/shm

Assuming I need entries in fstab. what would they be.

Thanking you in advance
