Downtown Users Group

Alan Dayley
01 Jan 2003 19:24:54 -0700

On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 19:10, Derek Neighbors wrote:
> How about
> FUD - Freesoftware Users Downtown


> All kidding a side... I suppose I can waiver some on the name as I will
> have plenty of chance to beat freedom into folks in person.  So how
> about.
> Central PLUG
> PLUG - Copper Square 

Please, not Copper Square!  I still want to do a "Hello! McFly!" knock
on the head to the person or persons who picked that name for downtown. 
Everybody still calls it downtown.  When is the last time you heard
someone say "Lets go to the [name event here] in Copper Square!"???  And
the significance of copper to the AZ economy, while still important, is
much diminished.

> Before I conceived changing to something non Free... I was thinking
> MUGS - Maricopa Users of GNU Software

That's not bad.  I like it better than the McWhatever varieties.
