Downtown Users Group
Kevin Brown
Wed, 01 Jan 2003 19:22:11 -0700
Derek Neighbors wrote:
>>How about Just making it Maricopa whatever or Central Phx whatever, Downtown
>>Phx whatever or PLUG on Central ;-).
> How about
> FUD - Freesoftware Users Downtown
> All kidding a side... I suppose I can waiver some on the name as I will
> have plenty of chance to beat freedom into folks in person. So how
> about.
> Central PLUG
> PLUG - Copper Square
> Before I conceived changing to something non Free... I was thinking
> MUGS - Maricopa Users of GNU Software
Any of the last 3 sound fine. Hopefully since I now work downtown I might be
able to make these meetings. I work in the Arizona Center :).