NFS Samba gateway

Austin Godber
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 11:23:37 -0700

Mike Starke wrote:
> Am I missing something, or are these two the same thing?
> George's way does not require Samba on a *nix box, and it
> utilizes file sharing in Windows. In short, having
> a Liniux box with the directory NFS exported and as a Samba share
> is, in a sense, the gateway you are looking for.

I think the point is he has Solaris boxes with NFS exports and he wants 
to be able to mount them with the Windows boxes.  Rather than getting an 
NFS client for Win2k or a samba server on a solaris box I think he wants 
to put a linux box in the middle ... thus the gateway.  That is, the 
Linux box will mount the NFS exports on the suns and then in turn show 
those as samba shares that that the win boxes can mount.

This may work.  It may suck too.  But it may work.  Then again there 
could be a very specific reason it doesn't work (one which eludes me at 
the moment).
