Time is slipping away into the future. ~University of Phoenix~

Michael Havens plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:00:34 -0700

This is what we need; a time that is set in stone before we can do anythi=
else. I can ask who is willing to bring their computer in so that we have=
demo to shock people with about the quality of the sound and grafics that=
linux posesses. Yes, I can ask; but without a time most people cannot ans=
with any certainty. Is anyone willing to commit to any Saturday (which I=20
don't know)? I can say that I set the ball into motion to have it April 2=
6 or=20
May third. Could someone please tell me if this is an appropriate day? I=20
figure that since it is past taxes it would be best.=20