Kinda quiet out there in PLUG-Land
25 Feb 2003 14:56:41 -0700
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On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 14:08, Derek Neighbors wrote:
> Michael Havens said:
> > Is someone going to tell me what I need to do to organize the
> > install-fest or
> > am I on my own?
Contact Michelle and Hans about making arrangements with UofP. As far
as a flyer, Michelle really does nice work ;)
Do we want to let AZOTO sponsor some presentations in conjunction with
the Install Fest?
> I saw someone post that University of Phoenix would lend us a facility. =
> think the starting point is finding out what day they will let us have th=
> facility. Find out how big it is. How many classrooms there are we can
> use. What kind of amenities are there.
> This should be a good start. As once we have a 'date' and an idea of
> facility we can start making concrete plans. Two things that are
> proverbial gotcha's are not having a solid date/time and not providing
> proper advance notice.
> To get swag, volunteers and properly market, you need good lead time. Th=
> quicker we know where and when, the sooner we can start assembling and
> spreading the word.
> > I think that we should do this install fest where we offer
> > distributions
> > rather than just one. And we should probably have demo computers with
> In the past, basically we offer to install the "common" ones, but will
> install any distro you bring install media for.
> --
> Derek Neighbors
> GNU Enterprise
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