NFS mount question

W. E. Brooks
25 Feb 2003 09:08:00 -0700


There is a UID and GID mapping. One method is to use the map_static
option if it is available in the version of NFS that you are running. 

If UID/GID equal to 500 on server and UID/GID equal to 512 on client,
make the following NFS config changes on the server: 

In /etc/exports, insert the map_static option for the directory you want
to share:

/shared-directory  my.client.machine(rw,map_static=/etc/nfs/

In /etc/nfs/ put these 2 lines: 

uid     512      500
gid     512      500

After changing /etc/exports execute
 exportfs -r  
to cause NFS to use the changes.

Best Wishes,
W. E. Brooks
On Monday, 24 Feb 2003, Sundar wrote:
>From: "Sundar" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: NFS mount question
>Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 19:18:56 -0700
>Nope. Isn't there a UID mapping or something?