Dual Boot Troubles
Frank Burton
Sun, 23 Feb 2003 12:50:42 -0800 (PST)
OK So I think I am starting to understand what is
happening here.
First you were right the image vmlinuz-2.4.20 did not
Both Suse and EE use vmlinuz as the image.
I made some changes and was able to get evil entity to
show up in lilo but when I booted it it boot with
suses kernel 2.4.20GB. So I think I am starting to
understand the problem I need to get the correct image
for evil entity into my boot partition. I made a copy
of and renamed the vmlinuz in hda5 (Evil Entity )to
vmlinuz2 and and edited lilo.conf and when I ran lilo
-v it said vmlinuz2 No such file or directory. So I
think I need to copy this to my boot partition hda1.
and this I do not know how to do. I cant even figure
out how to look and see what is in hda1 from the
command line. Am I way off here I am really just
guessing. Kinda making it up as I go along
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