Mailing list ettiquete request
20 Feb 2003 18:45:09 -0700
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On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 18:31, Deepak Saxena wrote:
> I have a small request for all on this mailing list. I'm not=20
> officially involved with the mailing list management, so this is=20
> just my opinionated request, but hopefully others will concurr.
> Please do not reply to a post and then change the subject to start=20
> an unrelated thread. Many of us use a threaded email reader and it's=20
> rather annoying to see a sub-thread which has nothing to do with the=20
> original thread in the middle of reading a thread. Most well written
> mail clients use the In-Reply-To header to do their threading, so
> even if you change the subject of a reply, it will still be part
> of the original thread. It's good and desirable to start a sub-thread=20
> that's related with a new subject, but putting a for-sale add as a reply=20
> to a thread on playing the LotR cd on Linux, asking about linux ppoe in t=
> middle of a thread about MP3 players, or asking about disk replacement in=
> reply to a posting about Kevin Mitnick are examples of sub-threads on
> this mailing list that should have just been posted as new messages. =20
> It's not that hard to press the 'm' key to start a new thread instead=20
> of the 'r' key to reply to an existing one.
OTOH, if the thread is one that you normally delete anyway because of
whatever constraints, an ooff-subject reply will just get lost in the
bit bucked.
The important thing is that even us who do not read threaded still
either read or delete a post based on the subject. d works just as fine
as r does for me ;)
> Thanks,
> ~Deepak
> --=20
> Deepak Saxena -
> How much do you value your freedom? Would you trade your freedom for some
> illusion of security? Freedom is something that dies unless it's used.
> - Hunter S. Thompson -
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