proftp fails for anonymous as well as PAM authentication

Don Calfa
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 16:14:12 -0700

I'm pretty sure that you have to allow port 20 as well.  I have to allow 
port 20-21 for VSFTP. wrote:

> I am trying to connect to my home machine from work through at gftp. 
> It looks like the client succeed in logging in but fails in data 
> connection
> gftp client output
> -------------------
> Looking up myhome
> Trying myhome:21
> Connected to myhome:21
> 220 ProFTPD 1.2.4 Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) [myhome]
> USER anonymous
> 331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your 
> password.
> PASS xxxx
> 230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
> 200 Type set to I.
> 257 "/" is current directory.
> 227 Entering Passive Mode (myhome,16,72).
> Cannot create a data connection: Connection refused
> Disconnecting from site myhome
> On server from messages I get the following
> ---------------------------------------------
> I am also explicitly allowing the access for the myoffice IP in 
> /etc/hosts.deny
> Feb 18 15:47:54 snoopy proftpd[11843]: myhome (myoffice
> [myoffice IP]) - FTP session opened.
> Feb 18 15:47:56 snoopy kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth1 PROTO=6 
> 144.15.255.
> 227:21468 myhome:4168 L=60 S=0x00 I=63583 F=0x4000 T=45 SYN (#20)
> Feb 18 15:47:56 snoopy proftpd[11843]: myhome (myoffice
> [myoffice IP]) - FTP session closed.
> Why data connection is failing?
> Sundar
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