INIT: Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
Kevin Brown
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 19:06:09 -0700
> Group,
> After installing RH 7.3, kernel 2.4.18-3 on a i686 machine. I did read
> a message about not having enough memory to run X. I then installed
> more EDO memory and have 98MB now, but I still rcv the message about
> respawning to fast.
> I really don't need X, but it would be nice to have. So, my question is
> how can I correct this problem? What changes do I need to make?
> Regards,
> Darren
> PS. I think there was a thread on this before, but I have no reference
> to when it happened.
The problem is that X isn't configured properly for your hardware.
Reboot the system and edit the command that you use to boot up (e.g. in grub,
highlight the boot option and hit 'e'). Append 'single' without quotes to the
end of the kernel statement line and then boot the system.
Now you can make changes to the X config. Doing that depends on your competency
and which Distro you are using (RH has tools for doing X configs, so does
mandrake and debian, but they are all different).