I Killed GIMP
George Gambill
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 11:22:09 -0700
RedHat 8.0 with Gimp installed.
>From the GUI I invoked Gimp. It asked a bunch of questions (directory
locations) which I answered truthfully (took the default).
Gimp came up with several (4, maybe 5) small windows (not to be confused
with MS) on the desktop. I was greatly satisfied for the moment and wanted
to close it for the time being. I started clicking the little "x" in the
upper right corner of each window. I don't think I was supposed to do that.
Now when I bring up Gimp I get only 1 window. 8-(
There must be an easy way to breath life back into those missing windows
without reloading Gimp.
Any suggestions?