mySQL or PostgreSQL?

Brian Tafoya
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 07:11:33 -0700 (MST)

The biggest difference was that PostgreSQL supports transactioning, while
MySQL does not but has a much more rich enviroment and is generally faster
than PostgreSQL. As of version 4.0, or with MySQL's InnoDB format,
transactionas are now supported. MySQL is the most accepted DB, and is
definatly the one I prefer especially now that they have implemented
sub-selects, full transactioning, and stored procedures. There is my two

<quote who="Jenny Charlene">
> I'm looking at using one or the other, but not sure about any advantages
> one  might have over the other. I've worked with RDBs in the past but am
> fairly  new to Linux. Any ideas? or pointers to GUIs for either?
> --
> Take care,
> Jenny
> Random quote of the day:
> A musician, an artist, an architect:
> 	the man or woman who is not one of these is not a Christian.
> 		-- William Blake
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Brian Tafoya

Random Thought:
Enjoy yourself while you're still old.