Waging War on Business
William Lindley
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 16:53:15 -0700 (MST)
How do you spell extortion? BSA, RIAA, DMCA
(InfoWorld) By Tom Yager January 31, 2003
In Dallas , the Business Software Alliance (BSA) is running radio ads
offering amnesty to businesses. Confess your companywide software piracy
before the end of February, the announcer gently offers, and you'll only
have to pay your overdue license fees. That seems reasonable enough, but
then the ad turns dark. If you have just one disgruntled ex-employee out
there, a BSA spokesperson intones, his call to the BSA could cost you
$150,000 for each user it deems unlicensed. One disgruntled ex-employee,
one competitor, one vendor that couldn't sell you a license renewal -- a
tip's a tip.
Rest of the story --