Help w/ MAC vs DELL

Kevin Geiss
Sat, 8 Feb 2003 11:13:33 -0700

check out gentoo linux, my favorite distribution. they have a ppc version.
I use gentoo on my ibook (as well as all my x86/athlon machines)

here's my page detailing how I installed it:

here's some relevant gentoo pages:

the ppc forum and install guide:

I used redhat for years (yellowdog is redhat based) but now I've switched
all my machines to gentoo. you get much newer versions of all packages
and your system is completely customized to the way you want it.

On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 11:17:32AM -0700, Jeff James wrote:
> HELP !!   I have two different laptops.  A Dell Inspiron 8200 P4 w/1GB RAM 60GB
> HDD running XP Pro and a MAC PowerBook G4 800 MHz w/1GB RAM running MAC OS X
> 10.2.   I would like to put RedHat 8.0 on the MAC along with the MAC OS.  Is
> this possible and worth the time and effort ?  Will I be able to run Dual-Boot
> ?   If not, has anyone run into any serious issues with installing RedHat 8.0
> on the Dell running XP Pro ?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank You,
> Jeff James
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