Craig White
06 Feb 2003 22:57:59 -0700
I was hoping that the simplicity of the questions were such that someone
on this list could answer, I hate the thought of subscribing to an email
list for a computer/OS that I don't currently own.
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 11:12, Joel Dudley wrote:
> Craig,
> You probably want to post this to the Xusers mailing list.
> - Joel
> Craig White wrote:
> > I sold off my cube so I don't have an OSX computer to test / poke around
> > on.
> >
> > I have a friend who is running out of space on his main hard drive and
> > it seems to me that we could either move his /Users (which is the users
> > data directory) to another hard drive or clone his hard drive to a
> > larger hard drive (preferred).
> >
> > Does anyone know ???
> >
> > is the dd command part of BSD? OS X on Macintosh?
> >
> > is there something like /etc/fstab?
> >
> > how about fdisk?
> >