How much power?
Derek Neighbors
Sat, 1 Feb 2003 08:55:26 -0700 (MST)
Rob Wultsch said:
> Newbie Question
> I have laptop is a pentium 75 Mhz with 32 MB ram, what sort of
> applications can I run... Mail, Internet (assuming no flash or other
> crap), simple text editing?
> Am a I nuts? Don't answer that.
> I have been looking at the system requirments for some fairly normal
> software (OO, mozilla) and these things eat a ton of ram and Mhz's? I
> had a 486 that I remember runing symilar applications on so what the
> changed?
> It gets me that many applications don't even have their sys req
> prominant on their websites...
I have been looking to get a machine with specs similar to yours. As my
evil plan for it would be to put in the kitchen. Using it as an LTSP
node. Basically my office machine is more than powerful to be an LTSP
server. Put a few low cost laptops as nodes and run with it. :) As Im
thinking a older lap top is probably cheaper than a flat panel and nice
and compact for kids bedrooms and kitchens and such. Just an idea.
That said, install black box/flux box or the likes and a lightweight
browser / mail client and even as a standalone box it would likely be