openBSD news
Scott H
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 21:46:10 -0700 (PDT)
> From: William Lindley <>
> Regardless of whether the de-funding was a
> result of views expressed,
> which I doubt, I do wonder:
> If one opposes Microsoft, why should one expect
> to get a job working for them?
> If one is a vocal atheist, why should one
> expect a job with a church?
> If one opposes war, why should one expect a job
> with the Department of
> Defense?
Yes and no. If the U.S. Gov't determined that
working with the openBSD software was in the best
interest of the country, and then pulled out of
it just because of the political opinions of
persons in the organization (even if they are at
the top), I think that's a bad decision.
And the code is open - its not like someone could
hide a WMD in there. :)
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