InstallFest at Phoenix College -- a location and date if we want it
Michelle Lowman
25 Apr 2003 12:23:45 -0700
If we want it, we have a location for IF3 at the Osborn Building at
Phoenix College on June 18th. They don't have weekend availability
during the summer, but since we are trying a draw a downtown business
audience, a weekend date is probably not what we want anyway.
The space is very nice -- suitable for a professional audience. The
presentation area is a lecture hall with a small stage and seats with
folding desktops, and is right next to the install area. There is also
an entryway we could use for informational materials, free CDs ,etc.
There is one drawback: we would have to rent the space at their NPO
rate, which is $45 an hr. for the cafe (the install area) and $55 an hr.
for the Dome (presentation area), along with custodial fees, etc. For an
event that goes from 10-4, it will cost approximately $800, and they
require a certificate of insurance. (I'm guessing all of this would be
done through AZOTO.)
So, if we want to use this space, we'll probably need to sell a lot more
T-shirts. :)
On the plus side, it's a very nice space, close to downtown (by 11th
Ave. and Osborn), and they will make sure we have adequate electrical
outlets and internet access. It is not directly on the main campus, and
the building has its own parking lot, so accessibility is better than if
it were in the Union or other main campus building.
BTW, I haven't heard back from anyone about who is now coordinating this
thing. I offered to find the location, but I will not have time to be
the primary coordinator.