Script to delete a line from many files

Kevin Buettner
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 16:46:11 -0700

On Apr 24,  4:37pm, Alan Dayley wrote:

> Attention script wizards:  I have a utterly simple request.
> I need a script to do the following:
> - Command line input
> -- Regular expression to find
> -- Filenames to process
> - Delete line in file that contains matching regular expression
> That's it.
> I have yet to take the time to learn sed, awk or other such tools and I 
> just want a script now.  (Instant gratification thing.)

You don't even need a script.  Just do:

perl -i -ne 'print unless /your regex here/' file1 file2 ...

If you want to create a backup file of each file modified, just do

perl -i.bak -ne 'print unless /your regex here/' file1 file2 ...
