
Arizona Adams
23 Apr 2003 08:04:16 -0700


That is a very good point.  The fast_flush option is = $relay_domains. 
I am not sure if that is bad or good at this point, but suspicious at

Upon further research, there is an issue with postfix needing to connect
to 'my computer' on an IP that we aren't attached to any more.  This was
to use the network monitor that exists on my computer still.

In any case, I spent the entire day with my admin at large, trying to
read and research.  He has now rebuilt the files so that they are
correct according to several resource pages (not original admin doing
this work).

I appreciate the offer of a book.  I had one at the office, but it seems
someone snarfed it before we left.  We now have started our own internal
'manual' that allows us to work with what we have set up.  It's not all
fixed, but it's close. 

Thanks for the pointers and I will forward your response to my admin. 
Thanks to everyone that helped.

Kimi Adams

On Tue, 2003-04-22 at 22:41, Scott H wrote:
> > From: "Kimi Adams" <>
> > Does anyone have any knowledge of flush?  This
> > seems to be managed by qmgr to run but I can't 
> > seem to find a way to get it to talk to
> > postfix.  My logs say:
> > Apr 21 18:05:24 matrix postfix/qmgr[8805]:
> > warning: unable to talk to
> > fast flush service
> > Apr 21 18:05:24 matrix postfix/qmgr[8805]:
> > E8964A2A74: from=<>,
> > size=3719, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> > Apr 21 18:05:24 matrix postfix/qmgr[8805]:
> > E8964A2A74:
> > to=<>, relay=none,
> > delay=15144, status=deferred
> > (connect to[]: No
> > route to host)Apr 21
> > 18:05:24 matrix postfix/qmgr[8805]: warning:
> > unable to talk to fast
> > flush service
> >
> > I did not set this up but I need to change the
> > IP address to my box from
> > my server.  I have looked everywhere in the
> > files and man pages but I am
> > rather lost. 
> ------------------------------------------------
> >From Jeremy Reed:
> > Make sure you have up-to-date postfix installed
> > (and your configurations
> > updated as appropriate).
> > 
> > Maybe you can disable with:
> >  fast_flush_domains =
> > 
> > Also check your flush service in you
> > It might be something
> > like:
> > flush     unix  n       -       n       1000?  
> > 0       flush
> > 
> ------------------------------------------------
> I have Richard Blum's 2001 book titled "Postfix"
> and although it might not match up with your
> version exactly (yours is pre mid 2000), I'm
> guessing this part hasn't changed much. Anyway,
> to stop using the fast flush, in
> /etc/postfix/, change (or add) the line:
> fast_flush_policy = none
> (reload or restart postfix after this edit)
> (other options for fast flush policy are "all"
> -to always allow fast flush, and "relay" -where
> only hosts defined as relays sites are allowed to
> use fast flush).  
> But I'm guessing fast flush isn't really your
> problem.  Fast flush is just a more efficient way
> of passing mail between mail servers, using ETRN
> (if you don't know about that, ignore for now).
> It SEEMS rather, that postfix simply unable to
> route your mail.  Can you pass ANY mail through
> your system?  In your log snippet, it says:
> (connect to[]: No
>  route to host).  Some more questions: Can you
> ping this mail host?  Can you ping back the other
> direction?  Is there a firewall involved?  Can
> you make a manual connection to port 25 using
> telnet?
> /scott
> .
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