Open Source Demo fest April 28th 11 AM to 3 PM (fwd)
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 00:27:04 -0700 (MST)
moin, moin,
talked to Maurice at ASULUG's InstallFest. Looks like OS SIG is making some
inroads over at ASU.
# "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
# write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." -- Alvin Toffler
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 22:16:04 -0700
From: Maurice Carey <Maurice@MAURICECAREY.COM>
Reply-To: Arizona State University Linux Users Group <>
Subject: Open Source Demo fest April 28th 11 AM to 3 PM
For those that haven't heard about our organization, we are the Open Source
Special Interest Group. Currently we are operating as a student organization
at ASU, trying to educate people about open source software. You can browse
our web at The forum has quite a bit of information
including how to get our mailing list. We are a relatively new group and so
we are trying to find people from organizations with similar interest to
help out at our upcoming event.
On Monday April 28th from 11 AM to 3 PM we will be having a demo fest in the
Fiesta Room of the Memorial Union at ASU (that is the south side of the
lower level room 080). We will have about eight tables set up and we are in
need of people and computers to fill them. The idea is to have people who
are unfamiliar with open source get a chance to find out more. That means we
need experienced people like yourselves to come in and bring a computer to
show off open source software. If you're interested and have the time please
contact me directly via e-mail.
Alternatively if you don't have the time to demo software, you can help by
passing along information about the event. You can stop by and discuss your
favorite open source topic, or just come by to enter the raffle. We'll be
giving away boxed Red Hat 9.0 and anything else that gets donated up until
the event.
Thanks for your time,
Maurice Carey