suggestions for "value added services" on the plug website

Thu, 17 Apr 2003 13:14:29 -0700

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On Thursday 17 April 2003 09:15 am, Bob George wrote:
> On Thursday 17 April 2003 12:45 am, technomage wrote:
> > [...]
> > /sarcasm on
> > gee, thank you for your "support"!
> > /sarcasm off
> I know the irc server is your pet project, technomage. Don't take any of
> this personally! We do appreciate what you've done. Just there are
> limitations that we should look at honestly.
I know. still, it could have been said a bit more politely.

> > if I had the funds to go to freenode, I wouldn't be running it off my
> > braodband. [...]
> Isn't freenode FREE? I was on the Toronto LUG mailing list and asked about
> an IRC channel, and they've since set up a very popular #toronto-lug
> channel. I know there's a procedure for establishing a channel and
> reserving op ids.
freenode itself may be free, but a co-located machine is not (there is 
bandwidth and storage to pay for).
 Still, I'll have to talk to kimmi adams about possible co-location of one of 
my boxen.

> > [...]
> > IM is a wonderful tool, but I think its not exactly designed for what I
> > have in mind here....
> Well, since Java has been deemed evil, and other IM systems are proprietary
> <g>, there's no reason we couldn't have a jabber server established with an
> IRC transport linked to the channel. I don't know that there would be
> enough IM (much less JABBER IM) users to make it worthwhile though. The
> good news is that when/if this is done, it has no impact on the IRC server
> itself, so could be a separate project altogether.
sounds good to me...


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