CVS questions
Carl Parrish
15 Apr 2003 10:23:53 -0700
I've used eclipse on a java project before. It seemed to look better on
Windows. I was pretty impressed but I'm not that big a fan of IDEs and
when I couldn't get the vim plugin to work on linux (dont' remember why)
I gave up on it. Is it a good environment for doing web work?
Carl P
On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 21:54, Steve Jovanovic wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> Quick note. I know this sounds crazy, but IBM Eclipse (free Java IDE)
> has an incredible CVS front-end built in!!
> Are you familiar with it?
> You can download Eclipse 2.1 and check it out. It is sooooooooo easy to
> use!
> Also, a tiny little bit more complicated (to set up, but trivially easy
> to use) is something called Tortoise CVS. Training time? Fifteen
> minutes.
> Does this help? :)
> Best,
> Steve
> Steve Jovanovic
> Director of Engineering
> Noumenaut Software
> (262) 632-7755
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Carl
> Parrish
> Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 8:30 PM
> To: Plug-discuss
> Subject: CVS questions
> I'm working on a project which is *badly* in need of version control. So
> of course I suggested CVS. The only problem here is that the graphic
> designers and the content people aren't comfortable with CVS from the
> command line. I know there are tons of GUI CVS clients out there but I
> have no idea which are good and which aren't Does anyone have any
> suggestions? Esp web tools that have a cvs plugin or such (these do not
> have to be free tools). The other snag is most of the development team
> is on Linux. Most of the graphic designers are on OSX, and most of the
> Content Developers are on Windoze. The developers are pretty comfortable
> from the command line so I don't *really* need a GUI for them. But the
> content and the graphic designers should have the same interface. What
> would be *perfect* for me (and I'll start googling now) is a plugin to
> dreamweaver that would allow me to use CVS.
> Any responses will be appreciated
Carl Parrish (
Registered Linux User #295761