CVS questions
Carl Parrish
14 Apr 2003 18:29:53 -0700
I'm working on a project which is *badly* in need of version control. So
of course I suggested CVS. The only problem here is that the graphic
designers and the content people aren't comfortable with CVS from the
command line. I know there are tons of GUI CVS clients out there but I
have no idea which are good and which aren't Does anyone have any
suggestions? Esp web tools that have a cvs plugin or such (these do not
have to be free tools). The other snag is most of the development team
is on Linux. Most of the graphic designers are on OSX, and most of the
Content Developers are on Windoze. The developers are pretty comfortable
from the command line so I don't *really* need a GUI for them. But the
content and the graphic designers should have the same interface. What
would be *perfect* for me (and I'll start googling now) is a plugin to
dreamweaver that would allow me to use CVS.
Any responses will be appreciated
Carl Parrish (
Registered Linux User #295761