Ard Linux
Tue, 8 Apr 2003 14:58:36 -0700 (MST)
Am 08. Apr, 2003 schw=E4tzte Phil Winninghoff so:
> Has anyone had any experience with the Arc Linux distribution? The reason
> I am interested is that I have been doing some volunteer work with a YMCA
> directed at children. There was a news release, a while back, saying they
If YMCA is considering Free Software, then I'm certain both AZOTO and OSEF
would like to help.
> are working on a special children's distribution. I went to there site
> at and downloaded their installation package
I haven't work with this, but there's Debian Jr and OSEF, in Tucson, is
working on a kids version of Knoppix, which runs directly from CD without
needing to be installed.
We can get you Knoppix at Thu night's meeting. Might be able to get you the
most recent GNU Win II as well. GNU Win II is Free Software for m$ boxen.
> on my Windows box. Darn - I'm stuck with this thing till I build enough
> courage to load Linux on it. I ended up with a file called arklinux.iso
> that I intended to burn it on a 650 MB CD-ROM. The problem is, the file i=
> 707.648 MB. They will ship me a CD-ROM via snailmail for 10 EURO (Must be
You can get 700 MB CDs. That's what I use as Knoppix, GNU Win II, etc. all
need 700 MB disks.
# Help Jerry Lewis stamp out M$...oops that's MDA - der.hans