Request for eastside projector
Dennis Kibbe
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 19:31:18 -0700
Quoting "der.hans" <>:
> Am 05. Apr, 2003 schwätzte Dennis Kibbe so:
> > I'm finishing up the MagicPoint presentation on Slackware for the next
> eastside
> > meeting. I'll need a projector. What forms do I need to fill out in
> triplicate
> > and have notarized to request it? <g>
> You just have to buy Brian lunch for a week. Luckily, he's cheap and
> Filibertos works :).
> Sequoia lets us use their projector.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> #
> # "Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling
> something."
> # -- Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride
Danke sehr!
I assume that my laptop sees it as an external monitor and needs no
configuration/drivers on my part, nicht wahr?
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