
Alexander Henry
Sat, 05 Apr 2003 11:08:46 -0700

> On Friday 04 April 2003 19:24, Kyle Faber wrote:
> > On Friday 04 April 2003 06:42 pm, Jim wrote:
> > > Just out of curiosity, why Lindows?
> [snip snip]
> > From their website, I got the idea that perhaps they have made WINE
> > intergration a priority.  Still being stuck with a lot of windows apps
> > (engineering mostly, for which there are no OS equivalents), a distro that
> > would have a possibility of running some of those apps is what I was hoping
> > for.

Ah, an engineering application.  Engineers are used to keeping old technology
lying around, and I understand why.  Once you have something that gets the job
done, why fix it?

But engineers are also used to jurry-rigging old and new stuff together.  Maybe
there's no hope for the apps that exist, but why not try developing new projects
on 100% Linux?  Maybe you can convince that vendor that provides you your apps to
give it a try.  Or find another vendor that provides you with a Linux app :-)

So then you'd keep your windows machines, for which you already have existing
software and hardware, on that side of the room, and the Linux apps on the other
side, then as the years go by watch how the other side of the room shrinks.
