Question on building a new kernel
David A. Sinck
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 07:35:24 -0700
\_ SMTP quoth Scott on 4/3/2003 20:27 as having spake thusly:
\_ I have a RH 7.3 system installed. When it was installed, the kernel
\_ sources where not. I have since downloaded kernel 2.4.20. I want to add
\_ video for linux and usb support.
[thread deleted]
Be aware that if you're building using a redhat config file against a
standard vanilla kernel, you're probably in for a bit of a ride.
Redhat has buckets of patches that are applied, some probably provide
new config options which may invalidate reusing their kernel config
file in the new setting.
It may be better to take the latest kernel src update and apply the
necessary patches to it, and rebuild. It may not. It is doable
though, as I've got a bunch of boxes supporting more current LVS
patched into the latest RH update kernel.