CDR and RedCrap 8
Alan Gore
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 17:53:54 -0700
>Has anyone had to deal with the hell of trying to get a CDR working on
>RH8? Any pointers to a suitable method of suicide? It continuously
>undoes everything I do, bypasses my symlinks and creates new driver
>references, undos my fstab entries and all in all craps on me. I'm using
>a stock install and as a second CDrom drive I put in a CR-4804TE - and
>I'm beginning to feel like I'm working on a Microshaft box. Since when
>did Redscrew think it knew what I wanted?
The idea of having to reinstall Redscrew all over again is making me
rethink Linux...
I rethought Linux too. After years of fighting the idiosyncrasies of the
various distributions, I went out and replaced my huge noisy Linux server
with an iMac. At last, a Unix that runs on fully supported hardware with a
GUI that doesn't suck.
Last month, I spent a full day at a friend's place vainly trying to get
Samba working under Mandrake. On the iMac, all I had to do was check one
option box, and I was in the networking business. Oh, and I was able to burn
a DVD first time, out of the box. Where's OS X/BSD been all my life?