More coal on the fire

Mon, 16 Sep 2002 21:28:44 -0700

you are not the only visualy impaired user on the list (meet me, I'm mage, 
aka proudhawk, hawke and of course; Erc Oyen, n7zzt).

I don't bother with most of the gui applications for editing. all my editing 
takes place in vi or pico or vim or even mcedit. its a lot easier to deal 
with the keyboard than a mouse anyday.

as for openoffice, well, it does have its points, but you are right, it needs 


On Monday 16 September 2002 07:55 pm, you wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> Unfortunately, I am not quite convinced with respect to Open Office.  Some
> of my colleagues have sent me Open Office documents which have been
> converted to Microsoft Word format, and they have lacked some structural
> elements which they would have contained if they had been created using
> Microsoft Word.  I am a blind person, and document accessibility to screen
> readers is paramount.  At this time, when it comes to accessibility, MS has
> it all over Sun.  Currently, even the Windows version of Open Office isn't
> accessible to screen readers.
>    Thanks.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Fred Wright
>   To:
>   Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 6:30 PM
>   Subject: More coal on the fire
>   The following is From the Lockergnome Tech Specialist Newsletter.  This
> is another action on MS's part that might give folks impetus to move at
> least to OpenOffice - -
>   Word Security Flaw Poses Threat - MS Responds
>   A new Microsoft Word flaw has surfaced that could result in documents
> being exposed to prying eyeballs. I think Microsoft did a good job with
> explaining the basics of how the bug works and how best to protect against
> its effects. It's clear from the text, however, that Office 97 users, which
> comprise a significant 30% of the Office user base, will be left out in the
> cold when it comes to a fix. They note that Office 97 was created in
> another era (as if it's been decades since the release) and security
> architecture has been improved greatly since then. Call me silly, but
> offering up a helpful nudge into Office XP as a "fix" for a bug that works
> the same way in all affected versions seems rather patronizing to the 30%
> of their patronage.
>   Fred Wright

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