modem set up

Kevin Brown
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 17:27:41 -0700

replace the slashes with spaces and it reads "dir where rpm is", e.g. cd to the
directory where you downloaded the rpm to.

> i have installed my lt winmodem (lucent apollo chipset) i went to the driver
> site ( and downloaded .rpm drivers that it
> said are for rh 7.3.
> when i went to my hardware browser , it found the modem. o.k. fine
> then i went to install the drivers using the format on the linux junior site
> for rpms it used:
> cd /dir/where/rpm/is
> but i got the message in the term.em.program
> no such file or directory.
> do i need to make that directory? how do i do that?
> thanks, now i am quickly getting out of root before i mess up :)
> betty i.
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