Random file of set length
David A. Sinck
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 16:45:42 -0700
\_ SMTP quoth Kevin Buettner on 9/11/2002 15:49 as having spake thusly:
\_ On Sep 11, 3:40pm, Matt Alexander wrote:
\_ > On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. wrote:
\_ >
\_ > > I want to create a random file of 5MB. How do I do that?
\_ >
\_ > dd if=/dev/zero of=somefile bs=1024k count=5
\_ ^^^^^^^^^
\_ That won't be random...
Well, it *could* be. But it should only happen 1/5M times, so it's
probably good to be sceptical. :-)
I've heard tell humans are fairly easy to predict their sequencing on
true/false "randomness" because we tend to think that long strings of
the same false false false false false false false false false false
false false false false are not random, when, in fact, they are.