cable modems

cliff rogers
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 19:21:16 -0800

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I know that I saw this on the list before, or a similar question anyway, =
but I am going to ask anyway. Can anyone recommend a cable modem and =
tell me the best place to get it? I have a cousin who is getting cox =
cable access installed next Wednesday and I need to get her a modem by =
then so I can get it all connected for her. Any help would be =
appreciated. Thanks,   Cliff

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<DIV><FONT size=3D4>I know that I saw this on the list before, or a =
question anyway, but I am going to ask anyway. Can anyone recommend a =
modem and tell me the best place to get it? I have a cousin who is =
getting cox=20
cable access installed next Wednesday and I need to get her a modem by =
then so I=20
can get it all connected for her. Any help would be appreciated.=20
Thanks,&nbsp;&nbsp; Cliff</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
