Can anyone help with an LTSP installation?
Mark Berkwitt
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 10:29:56 -0700
Can anyone help with an LTSP installation?
I have an almost finished system that I am not able to finish myself.
I admit it. There. I don't know enough yet to do it myself. There is a
childcare center that has an empty room waiting for these computers to be
delivered. The center owner is pissed off and has told me he's going to get
some Sony playstations instead. I screwed up. I thought with help from the
linux community, and offers of assistance I had received, I could promise it
would be done. I started this project months ago. I refuse to continue to
spend more time on something I cannot finish. I am done. If someone else
wants to do it, fine. I'm taking everything over to the center and if you
want to help it'll be there.
Someday I hope to know enough to do this without needing anyone else's help.
That's just my way. I hate to beg for help.
If you reply to this post I will send you the location of the center and the
phone number to the owners.
Good luck.