Schools for Installfest K12LTSP
Mark Phillips
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 17:17:44 -0700
What about the educational software used by schools? Are there titles
available for Linux, or at least equivalent ones? I work a lot with my
kids' elementary school in Scottsdale, and all the programs I have looked
at are primarily Mac and Windows. I have not run across any Linux apps.
-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Bullen []
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 4:22 PM
Subject: Schools for Installfest K12LTSP
<< File: ATT00036.html >> Hello, I asked a friend who is an administrator
in the Cartwright School District how to get a hold of schools with an eye
to inviting them to the installfest. She refered me to the following URL which has links to hundreds of
schools and school districts.
A while back I had communicated by email with someone who was involved in
trying to contact schools. I lost who that was, but hopefully you will see
this posting. I have some time on my hands in the next couple of weeks and
would be interested in helpng to contact some schools.
I am very interested in the K12LTSP and have 2 working expierimental
installations that I am personally using for work and will soon be able to
set up for other users as soon as some remodeling is done at work. This
seems like a fantastic way for schools to get real computers to their