Fry's $199 Linux box..
Rich Woods
Tue, 03 Sep 2002 20:21:17 +0500
Hello Richard
On 03-Sep-02, you wrote:
>RLP Obviously by my signature i'm into pc repairs and upgrades. We
>RLP also build new custom systems and sell individual hardware. Can I
>RLP compete with fry's ? Ah that is an absolute no. For one I don't
>RLP deal refurbished items. All those returns that customers bring in
>RLP are sold to big companies such as fry's electronics. They will
>RLP buy a 100 vid cards at one snap and think nothing of it.
I know this - and act accordindly - they have their shrink-wrap
machine in virtual open view - they had a lot of problems with
rewrapping items and reselling them as new - now they have to put a
little sticker on the package - when I bought their $299 system I went
thru 3 boxes before I accepted one - returned that and got the $499
Pentium IV system. However I dealt with a person who actually KNEW
what he was talking about (maybe the first one at Fry's who knew what
was going on.)
As an aside - one time I was at Fry's and the electricity went off - no
registers - I had a $19.95 item - I told the kid just add on the sales
tax and be done with it - the kid had a calculator in his hand and
couldn't figure out 8% of 19.95! I swear - this is a true story.
>RLP No my business is more about customer service. I consult with the
>RLP customers needs, setup the systems, do the installs, and guide
>RLP the customer every step of the way, as well as deal with any
>RLP defective items so the customer never has to leave the house.
I have a friend who does the same - he knows what he is doing - and I
can understand the value of premier customer service - however I have
had a computer since Timex-Sinclair - so for approx 20 years I have
been messing with computers - ran a BBS for a number of years - so I
should know the basics and can handle most stuff myself. (Or at least
learn to do what I don't know.
I also am on total disability - my funds are well extremely limited.
>RLP Spend 500 or 600 on xp office or whatever and you might luck out
>RLP with two free phone consultations. After that be ready to pull
>RLP out your credit card and pay the hourly fee's. We try to avoid
>RLP all this.
Right now I am sending e-mail on my Amiga A4000 - 060/50 with a PPC
at 233mhz. I know a lot may laugh and think you need a 1.8-4 Gighz
system - but that is what is needed for the bloated MS software.
I have not and will not use or buy ANY MS software. That is why my
attention has now also turned to Linux.
>RLP It boils down to great customer support or cheap products. Seems
>RLP like America is willing to shell out the bucks and get nothing in
>RLP return for it.
It has been that way for a number of years - most people forget when
companies had to EARN your business and dollars - now they just
defraud investors, employees and get 100 million dollar salaries,
bonuses and stock options.
Does anyone really think Kenneth Lay will go to jail?
>RLP If your old enough to remember the 50's when Texaco use to have 4
>RLP guys on hand. When you pulled up to the gas pumps one pumped the
>RLP gas, one got the windows, another checked the tires and the 4th
>RLP checked under the hood. Now you pay bigger prices and do it
>RLP yourself. lol
I'm old enough - I remember 28 cents a gallon gas - had my father's
1964 Dodge Dart - $2 in the tank and me and my friends could drive
around all night.
>RLP People accept this as normal customer support now. sad! :-(
Very true.
Rich Woods
P.O. Box 54335
Phoenix, AZ 85078
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