decent curriculum (was: class this Wed!)
Sun, 1 Sep 2002 05:10:11 -0700 (MST)
Am 30. Aug, 2002 schwätzte Dennis Kibbe so:
> Speaking for myself I'd go for basic admin. I think I can figure out how to
> point and click in KDE. <g>
That's what many people who're already familiar with GNU/Linux need, but
we have things likes Thurm's classes to point them at. Not the solution we
want, but we can't start all of the classes at the same time.
> Isn't one class a month a very slow pace?
Yes and no. We don't want people to have to dedicate an entire week to the
classes. We also don't have the resources to make that happen. We could
probably do every week, but that's still more of a commitment, especially
since we're going to be writing courseware in between sessions.
# Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans