PLUG website (was Re: class this Wed!)
Sun, 1 Sep 2002 04:55:56 -0700 (MST)
Am 01. Sep, 2002 schwätzte Thoreau so:
> if you want a clean database.) I know absolutely jack about PHP (aside
> form making it create files ont eh server, list them, delete them, and send
> email) so I wouldn't be the person to build such a site. If ASP were an
> option, I could have it built in a week. =)
This is strange. You're saying it's bad that we'd have to reimpliment one or
the other, yet suggesting we write both from scratch.
Let's use something existing. If something we need's missing, then we can
add it.
> To clarify my reasons for opposing postnuke:
> I have seen waaaaaaay too many sites using it. Very much a 'canned'
> website, yet still effective in many applications.
That's fine. We need something that allows multiple content providers. It
doesn't have to look original.
> Seems a little bloated in my opinion with a lot of features that nobody
> will ever use, and customizing it seems to be a bit of a hassle
> (yet again, this is probably since i know nothing of PHP coding.)
We turn off the features we don't need. The web site will be on it's own box
( hopefully soon ), so bloat is almost irrellevant anyway :).
Plenty of sites with a lot more content and traffic than PLUG running
postnuke. I hear it's lightweight compared to slashcode and there are sites
running that as well :).
> I personally can't say if that would be very feasible with postnuke, as
> I'm not exactly sure how it handles user demographics and authentication in
> it's database tables. I can say that building a site from scratch would
> allow
> PLUG to incorporate basically anything they want, without any overhead of
> having
> extra features that never get used (backend.php, AvantGo, etc.)
It also takes resources that are better used elsewhere. If we have people
really wanting to work on a web engine, then I'd prefer they work to fix
whatever's broken with PostNuke or another already established CMS.
> Bottom line is getting people away from mundane tasks like updating the
> site (also providing visitors with out-of-date info) and getting them back
> into production
> on other tasks. Volunteer resources are scarce enough these days, no use in
> wasting them. =)
Tasks such as the InstallFests, the NPO projects, the educational software,
data standards, newbie classes, etc.
We've got plenty already scheduled :).
It's your time, do with it what you want, but I hope you'll put your efforts
into the projects we've already got underway.
# I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans