2 mutt questions
Bill Jonas
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 15:40:08 -0500
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On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 02:33:59PM -0500, Mike Starke wrote:
> First, I have been trying to get Mutt to prepend a character (--) to
> each line of a message I reply to. I thought it was the "set indent_strin=
> but that does not appear to work as expected.
It is, in fact indent_string. I tried it before replying to this
message (with ':set indent_string=3D": "' while in Mutt), and it worked as
expected. (I reset it back to its default before actually composing
this message.)
How are you trying to set it? You ought to be able to just put 'set
indent_string=3D"whatever you want"' in your .muttrc.
> Secondly, how can I get Mutt to order the messages by thread each time
> I open Mutt.
Here's what I have in my ~/.muttrc:
folder-hook . set sort_aux=3Dmailbox-order
folder-hook . set sort=3Dthreads
folder-hook '!' set sort=3Dmailbox-order
This will set the sort order to threads for all mailboxes except your
$spoolfile, which will be unsorted. The secondary sort will be unsorted
on all mailboxes.
Note that if you don't want to have different sort orders for different
mailboxes, just set $sort (and $sort_aux, if you want) once and forget
about using the folder-hooks, like with 'set sort=3Dthreads'.
Bill Jonas * bill@billjonas.com * http://www.billjonas.com/
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
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