Exchange2000 to Linux based
Matt Alexander
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 19:38:01 -0800 (PST)
On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Shadow wrote:
> Matt,
> > There's also the Bynari Insight Server, which is supposed to be a drop-in
> > Exchange replacement. I've heard good things about it on other mailing
> > lists.
> >
> >
> I've used Bynari in situations where loosing Outlook and it's
> calendaring was not an option. It's a great idea, but the current
> implementation is less than optimal. Version 1.x isn't robust enough to
> handle the average office user without problems. On at least two
> occasions, office workers have managed to delete an entire store of mail
> for all users from the Outlook client.
> I'm hoping that version 2.x will be more robust, because Outlook really
> needs a standards compliant message transport plug-in that supports all
> of it's features.
>From their website, it looks like they're up to version 3.5.