Exchange2000 to Linux based
D Uhlman
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 15:26:06 -0700
Many of the problems come not from email but from other exchange
functionality like shared calendaring, etc. I can say tentatively that
the hardware will work but there are a lot of gotchas. Although they all
cost less than 1690 exchange seats. Stay far away from sendmail, wmail
is good but postfix does the virtual user features a little better with
imap (to cyrus). Do you want to use an ldap authentication backed on the
linux side or something else?
I have a lot of experience in these circumstances, I can talk to you
locally if you like. I am in chandler.
David Uhlman
CTO 50km Inc.
tickticker wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Been busy with a few contracts, but I'd like to ask the list for some
> suggestions/recommendations and leave a few comments of my own.
> I have a client with over 1700 users on Exchange2000 and when I audited them,
> they only had 10 licenses... oops. So I have them sold on going to the linux
> platform and using qmail or sendmail. I think qmail would work fine, but
> they will be expanding up to 5000 users over the next couple years.
> Question: will this work on a single box reliably? It's a dual 1.7 with a
> raid5 configuration and 1.2 gigs RAM. Simple email is all it will do.
> Question: Is there any conversion I can do or using tab delimited text files
> from active directory or is it a start from scratch proposition? User names
> or accounts or even the mail files?
> Comment: If there aren't then shouldn't there be? I'm thinking of the admin
> with 1,000+ users saying "NO WAY am i going to do this conversion, It would
> take forever!"
> Question: Anyone have experience doing this?
> Any help would be appreciated, expecially going forward. While I will support
> a client's Microsoft base, I always recommend a Linux solution but this is
> the first Medium sized taker I've encountered. Maybe someone knows of a
> knowledge base that tackles small, medium, large and enterprise class
> conversions ( Sales tactics, implementation, and client education )
> Okay so my questions and comments are all mixed up, but I hope you get the
> gist of what I'm trying to find out here.
> Again, ANY help is appreciated. I am doing research on my own but the voice
> of experience is, to me, a better resource, expecially when geographically
> close.
> Thanks in advance,
> anthony
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