Linux and satellite internet
Michael Havens
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 19:40:00 -0700
Hello. Remember when I was asking for a way to make an ISP not time-out from
inactivity? Well I found this for those who are interested.
Your student account at times you out at 2
minutes of inactivity?! Hosers.
Try this. If you're running a PPP account set up a small shell script:
#program: hose-em
#purpose: keeps a dial-up line from timing out while you're
# reading Web stuff or doing your laundry (OK... let's
# responsible)
# We'll use the gateway server as your host.
HOST= # the dotted-quad address of your gateway
# you can get by typing "ifconfig"
SLEEP=8m # how long we'll wait between pings
# Set up a while loop that pings the host as long as the PID file
# But first, make sure that the connection is still up.
if [ -e "/var/run/" ]; then
echo "
* * * PPP-UP is running * * *
echo "
* * * PPP0 interface is not up! * * *
exit 1
while [ -e "/var/run/" ] # Now, set up the while loop.
do # As long as the PID file
ping -c 1 $HOST > /dev/null # we'll ping the host once
every 8 min.
sleep $SLEEP
exit 0
you'll notice we use the ping -c 1 designation -- that keeps ping from
endlessly pinging. Set the variable SLEEP= to whatever interval you need. And
that's it! Don't forget to chmod 711 hose-em when you're done.