Anthony's Apache::MP3 problem
James Lee Bell
Sat, 26 Oct 2002 22:19:04 -0700
Anthony Hologounis wrote:
> Bryce C wrote:
>> Which is why it never works off your network.
>> On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 21:17, Anthony Hologounis wrote:
>>> Bryce C wrote:
>>>> Also, what is this It doesn't resolve. I think that's
>>>> the greater problem.
> Right thats why I changed the StreamBase variable
> This is in the httpd.conf file
> #For the MP3's
> <Location /Tunes/>
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::MP3
> PerlSetVar StreamBase
> #PerlSetVar StreamBase http://localhost
> #PerlSetVar AllowStream yes
> #PerlSetVar AllowDownload yes
> #PerlSetVar AllowPlayLocally yes
> #PerlSetVar BaseDir ./apache_mp3
> </Location>
> I read this from the Apache::MP3 pearl module
> LocalNet *URL*
> This configuration variable is used in conjunction with StreamBase
> to disable StreamBase for clients on the local network. This is
> needed for firewall configurations in which the web server is
> accessed by one address & port by hosts behind the firewall, and by
> another address & port by hosts outside the firewall.
> The argument is a dotted subnet address, or a space-delimited list
> of subnets. For example:
> PerlSetVar LocalNet "192.168.1 192.168.2"
> Address matching is done by matching the address from left to
> right,
> with an implied dot added to the end of the subnet address. More
> complex subnet matching using netmasks is desirable, but not
> implemented.
> Try it again if you would:
> You should be able to fetch and stream
> Thanks!
> Anthony
I still get the problem with the not resolving using the
url .
However if I got to, I get there find, can locate
the link for "Tunes" which link points to
from which I can get to your listings and stream songs just fine.
Note the trailing slash on the url that works. With your link, our
browsers are trying to find "Tunes.html", the webserver is failing to
find it and is trying to then forward the browser to the defined "file
not found" url, i.e. "" or some such.
Check your apache.conf file to see what it's trying to throw the
browser if a requested file doesn't exist.
As I said, by going to your ip:8002, then navigating to the "Tunes"
directory through the provided link (is there a link you *haven't*
provided? ;-), I can stream things just fine.