red hat & win200 peer-to-peer
Craig White
24 Oct 2002 19:22:39 -0700
On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 13:57, Dan wrote:
> I've just got Linux connected in a peer-to-peer network with a windows 2000
> professional computer and set up internet connection sharing successfully
> (YEA). I have found documentation about joining my linux box to a windows
> domain, but I need to join my linux box to a windows workgroup. I am using
> Red Hat 7.3.
> Can somebody lead me to information on the topic: Joining Linux to a windows
> workgroup?
lead you to information?
man smb.conf
isn't much difference between domain & workgroup except that you will
want to use security = user or share, Workgroup = YourWindowsWorkgroup
os level less than 33. If you are not all on the same subnet, you will
have to add the bios names to lmhosts and add that to smb.conf as well
(of course in that event, you would want to make the samba machine a
wins server ;-)