help with wvdial
Bryce C
23 Oct 2002 19:51:33 -0700
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1. To quit, type Ctrl-C.
2. Try chmod 777 /dev/modem. That should allow any user to wvdial. If
not, do ls -al /dev/modem and then chmod 777
On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 18:50, Frank burton wrote:
> I just installed Suse 8.0 lastnight with kde on a compaq laptop. download=
ed and installed the correct drivers for my modem(HCF) , but the only way I=
can get online is with wvdial , which I am not that knowledge about. I hav=
e it configured but I cannot figure out the proper way to exit from it. Clo=
sing the terminal window doesn't exit me from wvdial. Also I can only launc=
h wvdial as Root probably due to something I did wrong during the install b=
ut I need to change this because I believe this means I'm going online as r=
oot which I think is probably a bad thing , but I'm not really sure. by the=
way I did try to get online using the proper method kpppd and kinternet bu=
t I could not get it to work I have the icon the little plug to click on =
to get online but when I click on it my machine locks up no mouse control. =
I can hear the hard drive spinning but thats about it.
> Thanks
> Frank Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explore=
Bryce Chidester
Network Administrator
CoBryce Communications
Bryce AT BryceCo DOT Net
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