RPM is confused
Jeffrey Pyne
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 10:02:09 -0700
The --install option wants an RPM _file_ as its argument. The --erase
option wants a package _name_ as its argument. So if you have
foo-1.0.1-2.7.3.rpm which installs package foo, you would do "rpm --install
foo-1.0.1-2.7.3.rpm" to install it, and "rpm --erase foo" to remove it
(leave off the version numbers and .rpm). Running "rpm -q foo" will tell
you if "foo" is installed. Also, have you tried doing an upgrade instead?
Running rpm -Fvh foo-1.0.1-2.7.3.rpm will upgrade your "foo" package without
you having to uninstall it first.
Or, even better, register your machine with RedHat by running rhn_register
(it's free for single machines), and then upgrade the package with up2date:
up2date foo. That downloads the latest foo RPM from RedHat's site and
installs or upgrades the package, resolving whatever dependency issues that
package may have. Sort of like apt-get. :)
Hope that helps,
On Tuesday, October 22, 2002 9:41 AM, Kyle Faber wrote:
> I am trying to install a library .rpm file.
> "rpm --install=<packagename>.rpm"
> returns
> *<specified> is already installed.*
> which then leads me to type ...
> "rpm --erase=<packagename>.rpm"
> which returns
> *<specified> is not installed on this system*